Collaborative Law makes sense

Clearly, separating from a partner can be a traumatic experience.

Some clients are willing to take part in a round table discussion (sometimes referred to as mediation) to resolve their differences.

In other situations the hurt felt by one or both parties is so strong that the support of a lawyer is required. The simplest method of utilising a lawyer is to sign up to a collaborative law resolution process. Often this approach can also be cheaper than the traditional litigation approach.

What can drag out the process is where one party for whatever reason is not willing to be collaborative and wants their pound of flesh. Unfortunately there are lawyers who promote such behaviour, even when they are members of organisations such as Resolution.

At Emmersons we work to resolve issues amicably and cost effectively if at all possible.

If you live in Northumberland, Tyne and Wear or County Durham then why not call in to see us or email us at

If you live overseas and you are looking to divorce in England or Wales then we can advise you too. Contact

You can get more information from our webite

Divorce or separation or dissolution does not have to be like the War of the Roses. Emmersons will help you separate in a friendlier way.